Purchase order - AFAS

Updated by Joris Huinink


OrderChief retrieves the purchase orders since its last known modification date. Each purchase order in the list will check if it has been sent before. If so, the message will be skipped. Then the purchase order from AFAS will be mapped to the OrderChief format. Based on the GLN (Global Location Number) configured in OrderChief, the buyer (your own company) will be set on the purchase order.

Conditional logic

  • If OrderChief is configured to check if a checkbox called "OrderChief" has been marked, then this determines if the purchase order will be imported or not.
  • If the field "Direct_leveren_vanuit_leverancier" has a value and is set to 'True', then the purchase order is a dropshipment order
  • If the field "BIDnummer" has a value, then the purchase order is special bid order

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