Products - OneTrail

Updated by Joris Huinink


The article information from Onetrail is supplied via multiple files placed on a SFTP location provided by OneTrail. OrderChief facilitates that the article information offered by OneTrail is automatically processed in the systems connected to OrderChief. The following specifications are transferred as standard.



Seller SKU

Also called distributor article number; This is the key field used for the recognition of articles in connected systems.


Manufacturer Part Number

Brand name

Normalised brand name

Short description

Maximaal 35 karakters

Long description

Item group

Item group / classification of the product


Net purchase price


Since this is not the company's own stock and is handled differently in each ERP system, this is a point of attention during implementation.

Meerdere voorraadlocaties van distribiteur


This field indicates whether the product is discontinued. This will be implemented differently per ERP.

End date

The date until which the product will be in the assortment.


Product discontinued
The article will get the status Obsolete in the product file.

When the article has been given an end date, this end date will also be sent on the article.
Product supplier with no stock
As long as the product is in the product file by the supplier, the product will remain active. Even when ther is no stock.

Any changes to the article will be communicated as long as they are in the OneTrail file.
Product where supplier no longer supplies
When the article has not been updated for more than 7 days, it is considered EOL (End Of Life). This is also recognizable when the article is not included in the full article file during the weekend.

The connection will send a removal notice when the article has not been updated for more than 8 days to ensure the article is truly EOL.

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