API Access
Below is the basic-information to setup a Shopware connection:
- BaseUrl; Url of the website
- ClientId
- ClientSecret
Login credentials for the Shopware backend is not needed, but is preferable to later check data in Shopware and OrderChief.
For the ClientId and ClientSecret, see the section "Generate ClientId and ClientSecret" below.
Generate ClientId and ClientSecret
When logged into the Shopware backend on the website follow the following steps:
- Go in the left navigation menu to "Settings"
- Select "System" and then "Integrations"
- Click "Add integration"
- Fill in the following:
- Name = "OrderChief"
- Administrator is preferably set on, otherwise configure the appropriate roles
- Note down Acces key ID (ClientId) and Secret access key (ClientSecret)
- Click on "Save Integration"